Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 4, 2012

Hello everyone!
Sorry for taking so long to write back to you. I got here last Wednesday and they told me that my P-day would be on Thursdays , but we wouldn't have one last week because it didn't make sense to have the first day be a P-day.
I am doing fine here at the MTC. The schedule was a little bit hard to get used to at first, but now that I have been here a week I am pretty well adjusted to it. I wake up at 6:30 every morning and go to bed at 10:30. Our teachers names are brother Rasmussen and brother White and they are the coolest guys ever! They know what they are talking about and they know how to be a good missionary. I am always impressed when they role play about a topic and able to bring the spirit with every thing that they say.

My companions name is Elder Webb. He is a red head and kinda looks like Dan Spencer. Guess what? He is able to talk soooooo much! In our lessons he is the one that is able to just ramble his mouth and fill the gaps. He is very in tune with the spirit and studies really hard. I am grateful that he is someone I can look up to. Every morning he jumps out of bed at exactly 6:30! I don't know how he does it, but then he helps me get up by turning on the lights! In our room that is the worst thing ever, because the lights in our room are super bright so it feels like a gun shot every morning. My district is full of amazing people! We have 10 total in our district (district F). I think there are 6 total districts in our zone. At the MTC there are 57 different branches. Our branch president is Brother Anderson. I just met him two days ago because he was away on a trip.
Missionary life is really hard. I can only imagine how laurel did it. Being in a foreign country and having to learn a new language, that's a lot to take in at once. I am adjusting to it and I am starting to understand everything that is going on.
The food here is pretty good. I mean its just normal cafeteria food, and some days it is better than others, depending on the meal. There is a joke that goes on around about how the orange juice gives you diarrhea. I haven't experimented with that one at all I am good on the candy for now. I made friends with Elder Barney in my district that really hates candy and his parents sent him a HUGE box full of it. He hooks me up sometimes.
On Tuesday I performed in the MTC choir and had a blast. We sang only one song and there was only one practice. I don't remember the title, but it was awesome. I went with Elder Richey in my district. He had NO idea how to read music so he was lost pretty much the whole time. It made me realize that I am blessed with a talent that not everyone has. Another thing that I realized is that my strengths are other weaknesses and vice versa. Our district has grown really close and I have become friends with all of them.
The lord really does love all of us and he watches over us.
I love you all!!!
Elder Udy

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